
Custom Teardrop Flag—A Promotional Tool

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Wondering what teardrop flags really are? Well, teardrop flags are unique, tear-drop shaped flags that can be used to advertise an event or business both indoors and outdoors. Available in six different shapes and sizes, these teardrop flags are attached to a floor base, a heavy cross base, wall base, a car tire base and a standard 4- leg cross base. When placed strategically in places, teardrop flags with their contrasting bright colors and clever designs attract attention and can outshine all other advertising media. What’s more, teardrop flags can be customized. Custom teardrop flags are versatile and are promoting businesses, including boutiques, restaurants, and car dealership. Additionally, apart from using them at different events such as tournaments concerts, weddings, flea markets or outline booth places, they can also be used in trade shows, advertise sales or to welcome clients. To know more the different scenarios for using these teardrop flags, read this interesting guide listed below.

Custom Teardrop Flag—A Promotional Tool

Different scenarios for using teardrop flags

1. Custom Teardrop flags for Business Grand Opening

All those business owners who are starting out their new venture and are looking for a way to promote their new business, using teardrop flags would be the best option. The unique shape of the flags coupled with eye-catching attractive and contrasting colors used in the message can help you let as many people know about your business and in the process generate maximum business sales. In addition, the affordable price of these flags helps you advertise about the grand opening without actually burning a hole in your pocket.

2. Open house Teardrop flags

Open house teardrop flags or welcome pennants are a great advertising tool for property owners who are looking to display their homes or promote their properties in a tight real estate market. They can also be used for promoting new homes available for auctions, sale or rent. In addition, brokers who want to sell or lease commercial properties can also use open house teardrop flags to attract the attention of prospective buyers. Although not as big as street banners, these flying banners have enough space to print a simple attractive design to lure visitors to your open house. The tall height of these promotional teardrop flags (8 feet or more) coupled with the bright colored messages printed on them not only helps people’s attention from far but also helps create a welcoming atmosphere for prospective clients. Additionally, since these flags are lightweight and are portable designed, they can be carried and used at different properties as well as placed strategically across the property for a more noticeable and attractive presentation.

3. Political campaign teardrop flags

A political involves using a lot of your time, effort and money. While you may not be able to do much to save your time and hard work, efforts can be made to make your advertising more economical by using low-cost teardrop flags. Using custom political teardrop flags can help you spread your message and create an intense impact the masses. These flags that are utilized in the political campaign helps provide the masses information regarding the candidates who are participating in the elections. Placing these flags at important and centric places as well as in those places where people come to cast their votes can help you get a high number of votes from your loyal supporters.

4. Running Race teardrop flags

Looking to advertise a running race event without having to spend much? – get custom teardrop flags. Double-sided teardrop flags, when placed at registrations booths, water and first and, start or finish lines or at points that can lead the crowd or participants across the race cross, will not only helps you advertise about your sports event, but also enlighten people about how and where they have to register for it. Outdoor teardrop flags whether used for advertising a 1 km, 5 km, relay race or a marathon race is safe to be used in the open. The stretchable material that provides a long-lasting display coupled with the water-resistant digital print nod flexibility of these flags makes them a perfect advertising tool for those looking to promote a sports event outdoors.

5.Teardrop Flags for Trade Show or any Event

Using teardrop banners at exhibitions, trade shows, an indoor or outdoor event is a creative way of advertising your show or event that will help get an edge over your competitors. Using the flag’s ground spike or sandbags and X base to set these promotional tear flags, these flags are ideal for both indoor and outdoor events. Advertising your event or trade show using tall and attractive custom teardrop flags will help draw people attention irrespective of the time or weather conditions, helping increase your business sales.

6. School event Teardrop Flags

Flags and banners are an economical way of improving visual communication on a school or college campus, build enrollment, announce events or seminars and protect students. Teardrop banners can be used for various occasions in schools. While they are used for welcoming students, promoting athlete teams or advertising events (school concerts, dances or graduations); they can also be helpful in directing parents or children across a large school or college campuses.

7. Church and praise teardrop flags

Using teardrops flags for advertising special church events can be quite useful in helping you communicate and advertise occasions celebrated in your church like Baptism, Easter, Lent, Christmas, First communion or Ash Wednesday. Using these flags will inform youth, kids, and adults about church events and have them go to the church. Moreover, since these flags are reusable, they can be stored conveniently to be used year after year.


Using custom teardrop flags are one of the best ways to display and promote your business. These flying banners which are particularly affordable, attractive, and easy to position erect and remove tend to rotate with the wind, attracting the attention of most people. Whether displayed indoors or outdoors, these flags are a worthwhile investment that can help take your business to the next level.

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