
How to use teardrop flags to attract customers to your floral shop

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Tas gifts, and in the house, has lead to a massive potential in the flower business. You, too, want a piece of the cake, but like any business, face lots of competition.

teardrop flag 1

You have to work on your marketing strategy and target customers’ attention to your floral business. While focus more on online marketing, even offline marketing using teardrop flags play a significant role in bringing customers to your shop.

Here are some exciting marketing ideas worth implementing to promote your floral business.

Give existing customers importance

It’s always better to not only focus on drawing more customers to your newly opened flower shop but to also focus on your regular customers. Remember, your walk-in customers are the most important. So be as honest, loyal, and sincere to them.

Put up a teardrop flag highlighting the day’s special flower. You could alternatively have a few flags printed with some beautiful flower quotes.

The flags brighten the area. The sight of beautiful flowers on them makes people want out enter your shop and buy something. You could even offer some discount to loyal customers, or a ‘buy one get one free’ offer to them. It helps increase your list of clients.

Something even more novel or entertaining would be an ‘early-bird’ sale. You could tell your existing customers about it before disclosing it to the general public. The fact that you are giving them individual preference gives them all the more reason to do business with you.

Use your computer’s POS system to find out and send customers cards or emails on their birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Offer a surprise gift or a discount if they buy flowers from you on their birthday month. Besides, they also serve as a reminder for couples, especially to buy a bouquet for their partner!

Focus on building a trustworthy brand image

Branding is important for any business, including florists. The chances of gaining loyal, repeat customers are higher with businesses that have a brand. The most important requirement for branding is the right floral business logo that aptly represents your business.

custom teardrop banner mockup teardrop flag~

It should be unique enough to attract attention and remain in the beholder’s mind for some time. Remember that you will be using the logo in all your advertisements, including your teardrop flag.

Feather flags are usually digitally printed for longevity and better colors and definition. However choose colors that will turn out the same in all types of prints, including digital and screen printing. This helps maintain uniformity and branding.

You need a website

custom teardrop open flag teardrop banner mockup teardrop flags

With everyone depending on the internet for purchases, a website is a must for your floral business. Remember, there is a very high chance of people ordering flowers online, too, so you need a website for this.

The website should both describe your flowers, packages and of course, rates. You can also make your site more attractive by including informational and knowledgeable information.

custom teardrop open flag teardrop banner mockup teardrop flag1


Don’t forget to use an easily memorized domain name when people see your website URL everywhere, including on teardrop flags. Quickly remembered names remain longer with the readers. It increases the chances of their remembering to visit your store when they need flowers.

Gifts do wonders to your business

While you may have to spend a bit on gifts, it’s a worthwhile investment.

Everyone loves receiving gifts. You can make your visit to your florist more memorable by gifting your customers something significant and useful. Use something cheap, promotional but useful like computer accessories, key chains or pens.

Buy these gifts in bulk, and don’t forget to print your floral business logo on it. The logo will remind customers about your store whenever they see it. You don’t have to limit distributing these gifts to only your store visitors. You can also distribute it at any floral business-related event.

Don’t forget to use your feather flags at these events too. They can prove useful at directing people to your store at tradeshows and any other venue. While you may have to spend a bit on promotional gift products they eventually prove fruitful to your business.

Keep the store exterior nicely arranged and decorated

It’s not just the interior of your store. Attractively designed exteriors make people want to enter your store. Remember, you have lots of people moving around outside your store. The passers-by and vehicles driving by are valuable footfall traffic which can convert into customers.

They may be window shoppers, or just take a glance at your ware today. You never know when they may return as customers.

So you have to pay special attention to your signage, aka teardrop flags and window display. It also serves useful to note the busiest time of the week in front of your store. You can accordingly optimize your merchandise and window display to attract more customers.

You could place beautiful floral displays as a window display, showing customers your range of floral arrangements. It’s even more beckoning if you place overflowing pots with beautiful flowers of all seasons outside your doors. The flowers will excite your customers so much, that they have to peep into your shop.

When it comes to feather flags, use soft colors related to flowers, and avoid anything flashy. Don’t clutter the entrance, but place perhaps one or at the most two flags at the entrance.

It should mention any special offers you have to offer, and maybe your store’s opening hours. This way, people know their deadline for coming back if they plan to come back.

Another great idea is using a feather flag as an astronomical calendar date and placing it outside the window. Print a message on the banner saying that anyone with a birthday on that day could come in and claim a gift.

You can keep changing the date to generate more interest and surprise amongst customers. Or you can print flags numbered from 1 to 31, with a message that today’s your birthday and you are the lucky winner!

These flags anyway do not fade easily and remain bright and attractive for at least a few years. The flags are indeed a worthy one-time investment!

Make social media connections

Create your identity on social media networks so that customers know where to find you on your social media. Give them something engaging and personal, and a reason to follow and like you.

You could perhaps show pictures of beautiful flowers in full bloom, photos of any events you have, or just pictures of your staff working. You could also advertise about any forthcoming events through social media.

Hold interactive events

Another time-proven method of building customer relationships is by organizing interactive events. People are always interested in socializing, and participating in interactive activities. You can make your event even more beneficial by offering them a floral experience they won’t get anywhere else.

You can start by decorating your shop beautifully using the flowers you have for sale. Show people how strategically placed flowers can brighten up and freshen their homes.

Put up some informational content on your bulletin board or even hand out some brochures about your flowers. Take your visitors on a tour of your shop while explaining about the impact of flowers on a person’s life.

You could perhaps educate them about when and where flowers can be used instead of just gifts and wedding decorations. If you have the contacts and logistics to procure rare flowers, mention it in your brochure.

It will be a highlight given you an edge over your competitor. Teardrop flags can specify these flowers and inform the public that you take orders for them.

Use teardrop flags to create event awareness

The best way to create awareness of your event is through your social media pages, and of course, teardrop flags. Print a batch of feather flags to put up at your entrance and at other strategic places with lots of footfall.

You could perhaps set up the flags near traffic junctions, at the local parking lot or the corner street. So passers-by will take a look at the event details and make sure they keep themselves free on that day.

Just remember to use the right colors and font while printing your message. Passers-by have only a few minutes to absorb the print on the flags. Don’t make things complicated and difficult for them to understand.

When it comes to colors, contrasting colors for the text and background make your message easily seen and readable.

Organize gardening-related workshops, if you have space and workforce. There are so many who don’t have much of a green thumb and would love to learn a few tips about growing beautiful flowers.

It’s worth distributing business cards, or at least something promotional to the people who attend the events. It gives them something to remember about you, and your phone number, if they want to call and place orders.

A little about teardrop flags

Now for all of you who don’t know what teardrop flags are, well, yes. They are connected to teardrops, by the shape. They are also called feather flags, and come in various sizes. They are attached to lightweight aluminum and bendable fiberglass flagpole that keeps the flag taut even when it’s windy.

If you wonder what’s so special about these flags, it is that they do not tear when it’s windy. It does flutter a bit in the wind, to attract more attention. Besides, you can print most colors on the flag, making it appropriate to print beautiful floral pictures and designs.

Thanks to its multiple bases, they can be used for both indoor and outdoor marketing. The spiked base can be pushed into the ground for outdoor advertising. There’s a cross-shaped base for indoor use. Placing water or sandbag on the stand provides for added stability.

You can choose between one and two-sided floral teardrop flags. While the single-sided variants are cheaper, the double-sided variants are a better option if you have more to print on it.

You get two sides to use. You could print your contact details on one side, and have a few flower pictures on the other side. Double-sided flags come with a black mesh in between.

It serves two purposes. It helps the flag withstand heavy winds over time, and blocks and prevents each side from showing through the other.

The most significant advantage of using teardrop flags for your florist shop is that you can disassemble and assemble it all alone. You don’t have to depend on anyone to help you out.

For example, if you want to advertise about a sale, you can put it up for a few days before the sale. You can then disassemble it and store it in its accompanying carrying bag. The bag is conveniently sized to store and to carry along with you anywhere you want.

The digitally printed flag designs and text on durable polyester don’t quickly fade like most other flags. You can easily use teardrop flags to advertise about quite a few floral events over the years. The right, and simple maintenance tips like avoiding using it in too hot conditions or when its’ windy can prolong its life.

Most companies like include a convenient rope at the bottom of the flag. It’s to prevent the flag from wrapping around the pole. Besides, you don’t have to worry about designing the banner.

If you have your floral designs and text in mind, well and good, just send it over to the company. They will do the printing. However, there’s no need for panicking if you don’t have any ideas.

You can always turn to their in-house designers for help. Just provide your logo, the text you want to use in the flag, and anything else you have in mind. They will think and send over a draft for you to preview!


Now you know how you can use teardrop flags for marketing your floral store. So there shouldn’t be any reason for you not to start using them!

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