
Tips to help you with attracting children through flags

Tips to help you with attracting children through flags
Tips to help you with attracting children through flags


Nelson Mandela once said that ‘The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow.’ And there’s nothing more accurate than this. It’s a fact applicable to everything in life.

Today’s children grow into tomorrow’s doctors, politicians, engineers, and even customers.

Children are not only tomorrow’s customers but also today’s customer for many niches and industries. It is not only the toy store that should attract kids. You should also reach out and attract kids to your restaurant, clothes store, book store, and even the shoe store.

Once you can capture their interest today and start shopping with you, many of them will remain loyal customers for years to come.

The trick lies in attracting kids to your store, which is possible with the right marketing techniques.

Create an attractive and colorful display

Remember, you do not have lots of time to attract your potential customers’ attention. All you have are a few seconds, and you need to make maximum use of this.

Nothing attracts a person’s attention, significantly a child’s better, than color.

The storefront is what they will see when they first pass your store. So you need to focus on making your entrance as colorful, attractive, and styled as possible.

It not only makes your store look attractive, but it also emits lively, exciting, and welcoming vibes. It makes the child want to visit your store, and they will do everything possible to convince their parents to do so.

You have lots of options to make your store look colorful and attractive. You can choose based on your store. If it is a toy store, there is nothing better than displaying toys, games, and even large-sized cartoon characters or action figures. They will intrigue the child and make them want to visit your store at any cost.

But if you have a book store or a restaurant, you may have to depend on banners and flags to attract kids. You could use colorful and well-designed teardrop flags with information about what they can find in your store.

Using the same colors helps create your brand

You could use your store colors on the flag and your tagline or motto. Remember that you need to create a brand that the child will relate to you. And it is best done using the same colors, fonts, and graphics in all your marketing campaigns.

You could perhaps mention the names of any outstanding books you have in your store. Or you could perhaps print and let passers-by know about your unique dishes for the day on the flag.

You could also advertise your special offers or discounts. People are always on the lookout for discounts when they go shopping. Printing about the discounts on your banners is one of the most effective means of enticing them to visit your store. Remember, there’s no point offering discounts if no one knows about them!

Just make sure you use the right colors and contrasting font that attracts kids and parents alike while passing by.

And if you have a big store, you can also provide a map of your store at the entrance. Make it as colorful as possible with information about the different parts of the building. .examples are the helpdesk, food courts, checkout counters, aisles, etc.

Give everyone a reason to visit your store

There is no point in enticing and making people visit your store, only to return empty-handed and dejected. Just bemuse it is a toy store doesn’t mean that you can’t offer something for the parents!

You could perhaps offer mind games, card games, and anything else that will interest adults. This is where feather flags prove a useful tool in a toy store.

You could mention all this on the feather flag, letting adults know that there’s a reason for them to enter your store too.

Tips to help you with attracting children through flags

Have an entertainment hub

If you have space, it’s worth dedicating a portion of your store to an entertainment hub. It could comprise of

Why feather flags are most effective at attracting kids

Now you may wonder why feather flags are so popularly used for marketing. They are used to reach out to not only kids but to everyone in general.

Practically all and every business benefits from feather flags, which are also called flutter flags. And do you know why?

It is all thanks to the increased visibility it offers to your store.

Increased visibility

It, in the process, maximizes the exposure of your marketing strategies. In short, they make maximum use of your advertising campaign money.

Besides, you have a choice of two types of feather flags to use for your advertising purposes. You can use the single-sided flags if you target people from a single direction, like in front of your store.

Your focus lies on letting people entering your store get to know about you and your store.

On the contrary, the double-sided versions are perfect to put up in places where you expect people and kids to see it from different directions. Examples are the parking lot and intersections.

As the name suggests, these flags have content printed on both sides, letting people read it for any reason. It’s left to you to decide if you want the same images and text printed on both sides.

Or if you opt to have your name, address, and contact details published on one side. And you print something colorful and attractive on the other side, with the sole intention of capturing the attention of visitors on that side of the flag.

Constant movement

Another reason you should use feather flags to attract children is its constant movement. As their name suggests, feather or flutter flag, these banners tend to flutter with the wind.

So as long as it is colorful, the fluttering flag will pique a child’s curiosity. It will make them want to read what’s on the sign, and once they do it, your message gets them even more excited about visiting your store.

Increased height

Unlike most banners, feather flags are quite tall and available in multiple sizes. The most common are flags measuring 8ft to 12ft in height. These more towering flags can attract a child’s attention from afar.

So they are best placed at places like traffic signals and parking lots. The kids can this way read what’s printed on them from afar, and the right words can compel them to pop a visit to your store.

On the contrary, the shorter flags are perfect to use in front of your store. They are perfect for directing the kids to places that most interest them, as the clothes or toy sessions.


This is perhaps the most crucial reason why feather flags are ideal for attracting a child’s attention. You can customize the banner as you want. You can print it with your chosen designs or font. You don’t’ ever have to worry if you don’t have any ideas about what to print on it.

Most companies like have a wide range of templates for you to select your design from. They also have an in-house team of designers for you to customize and design your flag for you. In turn, they are perfect for you to advertise based on your USP (unique selling point).

Display your social responsibility

The customizable feature is handy and essential in these trying times. You can create a few flags reminding both kids and adults to wear masks and maintain social distancing while at your store.

It sends a social message because it proves how much you care about your clients’ and customers’ welfare. You can have banners printed to remind them to wash hands, maintain a distance of six feet between each other, and wear a mask while in your store.

24-hour exposure

Yes, feather flags are weather resistant. You can sue them in both windy and sunny conditions. However, if you plan to use the same flag every year, it’s better to keep the flags in their accompanying carrying case once you are done with your marketing campaign.

Remember, kids can get pretty bored with the same banners. So there’s no point in keeping the same flags up for too long. They will only make your store look all the more boring, and make kids think twice about visiting your place.

Once you are done advertising about your sale, discounts, and introduction, it’s better to store the flag away in a carrying case. You can always use it again anytime in the future, if and when you need it.

Tips to help you with attracting children through flags

Long-lasting and durable

Yes, unlike other banners, feather flags can be used year in and year out. As long as you dismantle them once you are done and store it in its accompanying case, each flag can efficiently serve you for years to come.

Don’t worry. As long as the banners are not kept in the hot UV sunlight for too long, the flags will remain quite bright, colorful, and attractive to kids the next time you use them!

Safe when kids are around

Yes, feather flags are safe to set up anywhere, especially when kids are around. It is because the banners reach you with various bases to use as you want to use the flag.

And it is mainly because, unlike other flags, these banners can be used both indoors and outdoors.

If you want to set it up outside in front of your store, you can do it in two ways. You can set the flag up in front of your store, on the concrete floor.

You can then place some water or sandbags on it for additional support and prevent it from toppling over if hit by excited children.

The same base and supporting bags are used to set up the flag inside the store, to perhaps direct the child to your store’s different floors.

You can alternately use its spike base if you are setting up the flag on wet soil. The spike reaches in pretty deep, thus providing your banner with the support it requires.


As these flags are so quickly put up and dismantled, and because they can be stored and carried around in its carrying bag, they are an effective portable marketing option for your store.

You can set up the flag anywhere you want. And if you’re going to target or reach out mainly to children, you can always set up a few flags in places where there are mostly children. It includes the beach, parks, fast food joints, and toy stores.

You can even set them up in trade shows or exhibitions. You just have to pack the flags in your bag and set them up to direct people and kids to your store.

These flags are also commonly used as directional banners. They can be used to tell kids about your store and direct them to the different special offers you have in line for them.

Remember, it’s worth spending some time and money targeting kids in your advertising campaign. It is only if you manage to tell them about your products or services will they start pestering their parents to get it for them.

Of course, not all parents will succumb to a child’s pestering.

However, this does not mean that you should forget; or rather ignore the small percentage of parents who do succumb to peer pressure.

Just imagine how much you stand to earn if a small percentage of parents make inquiries every day!  You can also imagine how many parents/children you can reach out to in a month if you manage to convince a small portion every day through the feather flags!

In short, children can never be ignored in a store’s business and marketing campaign. They form an integral part in responding to the signs, and pestering their parents into at least entering your store and doing some window shopping!

And with the right branding, products and customer service, you can expect quite a few of these kids to end up becoming your store’s loyal customers!

Tips to help you with attracting children through flags
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