What is the most suitable content to include in a feather flag?

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What is the most suitable content to include in a feather flag?The secret to a successful feather flag that effectively advertises your business lies in not just the design. You need to have the right content printed using the right fonts and colors.

A feather flag that is well designed but lacks the information it should provide readers will not serve its purpose. For example, if you are advertising about the opening of your new store. Your feather flags should contain more than your business name, colors, and tagline. It should also include other information like the date, timings and perhaps a bit about your services or product.

Remember, you are printing these signs to tell people what you do and offer, so your flags must contain the relevant information.

Essential content to include for an effective feather flag

There are three standard contents each feather flag should contain. You don’t necessarily have to put them in all your feather flags. You have to decide based on the purpose and location of the banners. These common content elements are:

 Company logo

The company logo is a must on the flag. It’s what your customers will easily remember you with and is usually the most attractive. You may have to use them in feather flags announcing the opening of a new venture or if you are part of a chain. Y

You need it for new ventures because people tend to remember logos well. And it’s logical that as part of a chain, the logo identifies your brand when people see your banner.

Just remember to print it to size, preferably based on the size of the feather flag. It will have to be proportionately smaller for shorter flags so that there’s enough space to print other content. Similarly, it has to be proportionately larger in taller banners to be visible amongst other content.


Your company slogan or tagline is another essential piece of content for your banner. Once again, you need to add it to the flag if people remember and recognize you by your slogan. Or, in other words, include the slogan if it is catchy and trendy.

This way, anyone who sees the slogan will immediately associate it with your company. You could use slogans in feather flags printed to announce an event or release of a new product.

You could also use it in directional banners in a trade show to help direct people to your stall. Famous slogans are also an excellent addition to flags put up at sports meet, where many people will see and remember them.

Business keywords

Now, what are business keywords? They are the words that best describe your business! You can’t print the words’ Shoe sale’ if you sell handbags, nor can you print the words’ coffee shop’ if you are a barber.

So it goes without saying that you need to include keywords associated with your business and the reason for the flag. If it is to announce a discount, then you need the word ‘discount’ in it. If the flag tells about an open house, then you need the words’ realtor’ and ‘open house’ in it.

Similarly, if you sponsor an event and have banners put up for marketing reasons, you will have to include keywords describing who you are, what you do, and the services/products you have to offer.

This way, the sports event attendees will learn a lot about you just through these feather flags. You never know, a few people amongst them were looking for your product/services for some time and will consider visiting you!

What is the most suitable content to include in a feather flag?

Other important essentials of a good sign

It’s not just the content that’s important in feather flags. There are quite a few other essential elements to remember and include in it.

·Easy to read and understand fonts

This is very important to improve your signs’ visibility and readability. It’s okay to use something fancy for your logo or tagline. However, it is better to use some sans serif type font like Ariel or Helvetica for your message. Avoid using any form of swirly brush script fonts for the message because they are difficult to read. The entire purpose of printing your message is wasted if the sign is illegible.

·Contrasting colors

Your feather flag comprises the content, images, and background. Don’t make the mistake of using the same colors for all of them. You need to work out contrasting color combinations like black or red font on a yellow background. Or the traditional black font on white background.

Avoid using color combinations that do not give a good contrast. And just because a color combination looks great on your letterhead, don’t think it will make a good sign.

There are no contrasting elements to the letterhead. However, in the case of external feather flags, they are set against nature. So it means you need to select colors that blend well with the color of the surroundings.

A sky-blue background won’t be that visible if it’s a tall flag, with the sky as a background. Similarly, green may not be a good choice for the background if the banner will be amidst greenery.

·Correct font size

In addition to the font size, you also need to choose a readable font size. This basically depends on where you will be placing the banners. If your message has to be read from the freeway, you naturally need to use a larger font for the message to be seen by people walking by. However, you won’t need large fonts to set the banner up in front of your store or house.

·Keep it simple

Experts always advise keeping the banner as simple as possible. In other words, less is better, perhaps seven words or fewer. And not more than three elements added per sign.

Flags that are too cluttered are challenging to read. Though you have to add fewer words, make sure you mention who you are. It means you need to write your company name and identity.

You also have to say what you do or rather what your industry or trade is. Give this the most significant prominence in the banner because people will visit you for your services or business.

They are not always interested in knowing your name or company. If permissible, you can also include a short slogan or company tagline to show how committed you are to your work. Some taglines prove how well you do your work.

·Visual appeal

While content is king, graphics and pictures are always worth a thousand words! So you need to select and use the right images to describe what you have to offer to the public. For example, no words can describe how well you make chocolates other than a picture of a melted bar of mouth-watering chocolate.

Various uses for feather flags

Now that you know all about the essential information to print on your flag and the other vital essentials, there’s another factor that determines your banner content.

It is the use or where you plan to set up the feather flags. Here are a few of the most common places feather banners are used.

Outside your business

If you place your banner outside your business, something short will be enough. Choose colors that contrast the background and abut content. You do not need to emphasize the name or address.

A ‘Here’ will be enough with contact details in small print. It’s better to highlight the event and what you have to offer. Like if it is the opening day, a discount sale, or the release of a new product.

Don’t forget to include the dates and timings too. Remember, while you can always distribute flyers to announce your sale, opening day, or product release, they likely end up in the dustbin.

A brightly colored and informative feather flag is more likely to pique the passers-by’s attention whenever they see it. Besides, there is nothing better than a bold, fluttering feather flag to convey a clear and appealing message about your grand opening.

It is always better than flyers and brochures. As long as you print the required content, it’ll go a long way at intimidating passers-by about the opening.

At fairs or festivals

Feather flags at fairs and festivals need to have your identification factor. It should have bright colors, complementing the background, based on whether it is an outdoor or indoor event.

You can have tall feather flags for outdoor fairs ensuring your business doesn’t get lost amidst similar-looking stalls. You will have to legibly print your stall number, company name, and contact details.

Simple fonts are always a better option for these flags because visitors will be looking at so many banners and signs. They will read messages that are the clearest and most visible.

At an open house

Feather flags will make the location stand out for any open house your real estate agency organizes. However, it works only if you include the right and relevant information in it.

You don’t need a very tall sign. However make sure there’s enough space to mention your company name and the open house details like timing and date.

At a booth

Feather flags go a long way in making your business stand out at a convention booth. There are so many booths at the convention, and the only way you can have people come to you is by attracting them.

You need to have an attractive product or service for them to check out. And you need to include your stall number and product/service details in the banner. If there’s space, your company logo and tagline will also help create a better impression about you.

Printing tips worth knowing

Now that you know all about the right colors, font, and content to include in your flag, it’s time to print them well for maximum results.

·The right material

You need to select the suitable material for your flags. Most companies like vancke.com use polyester for various reasons. It’s weather-resistant, which means there’s no worry about the colors quickly fading.

As long as you follow some simple steps like bringing in the flag when it’s too sunny or during harsh weather, the banner will last a long time to come. Besides, polyester is a popular choice because it’s incredibly durable.

That’s why feather flats are a wise investment to make for your advertising campaign. You can use the flags as many times as you want, year in and out. You just have to dismantle the flag and store it in the accompanying carrying bag till you next use it.

·Don’t forget bleed lines

Another essential factor to remember while printing banners is bleed lines. Many people think it’s possible to stretch the text to the edge, but it’s impossible because of bleed lines or red lines on the template.

These are the borders on an art file that shows where you can safely print the content and graphics for your banner. There’s a risk of anything outside the lines ending up cut off or stitched during the manufacturing process.

Most companies have design teams that will either create your design for you or check your design and ensure it’s safe to print before printing it.

·Place your order well in advance

Make sure you place your feather flag order well in time for the event/opening/sale. You do not want to spend so much time designing the flag, only to end up with it reaching you after the special day.

Find out how long the company needs to ship the banners to your address. And keep a few days’ buffer time in between to compensate for any untoward incidents like public holidays or strikes that may delay the shipping process.

Now that you know all about the right content to include in feather flags use the acquired information to design an attractive and informational banner.