How feather flags with pole can make your grand opening a success

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Once you are all set with your new venture, the next thing you will be focusing on is its opening. A grand opening goes a long way toward promoting your business and letting people know about you. This is why you have to use the right marketing strategies for it like feather flags for an effective and grand opening.

Feather flags make a wise grand opening investment

While the internet and social media are effective at promoting your business, you also need something physical to attract passers-by and to let the local community know about you.

And the best and easiest way to do this is through large feather flags. These feather flags with pole flutter in the wind, which is how and why it is so good at attracting people’s attention. The effects are even better if you have it attractively designed using the right colors, font, and message.

It is most important that your message is printed using the right colors for the font and background. There is nothing more irritating than investing in feather flags only to realize that your contact information or advertisement about the grand opening is barely visible because of the wrong color combination.

Feather flags are so popular that even large corporations use them not only on their grand opening day but even throughout the year. They usually buy feather flag pole wholesale in different color combinations and distribute them along their parking lot.

Even local car dealerships use feather flags to perhaps advertise about their different car brands, offers, and other relevant information. Another popular use for feather flags is to advertise about an open house. Real estate agents use them to promote the various properties they have to show to prospective customers.

You do not have to use feather flags only for your grand opening.And you can buy feather flag pole wholesale and have one or two printed especially for the opening.

feather beach flag 5 You can have others printed with words like ‘Sale’, ‘Today’s special’, ‘Season’s greetings’ and use them whenever you want them. Feather flags last at least a few years and most manufacturers like provide a convenient carrying bag. You can dismantle the feather flag with pole after the grand opening and store it in the carrying bag till you next need it, or to easily carry it from one venue to another.

Keep a week-long grand opening

There is no rule saying that your opening should be for only one day. You can extend it for a weekend or an entire week. This gives your customers more time to visit your establishment, and tell their friends and family about you.

It also helps to arrange for some promotions, which you can use one of your feather flag pole wholesale to advertise about. You can print words like ‘Buy one get one free’ or ‘Today’s special-10% off ‘on the feather flags.

You may not make as much profit in your sales as you expect because of these promotions. However the benefit of these promotions is that it helps establish a strong and reliable customer base. Besides, the promotions will only be for a short time and the customers you establish during the promotion end up being your loyal customers.

Set your budget

While a grand opening is important for your business its expenses should be within your budget. You can get carried away planning something special for the opening.

There is a rule of thumb for grand opening budgets, which is to use 20% of your first year’s advertising budget. This comes up to about $6000 for small businesses.

Spending too little for your opening may lead to your efforts not reaching your objective of drawing attention and customers to your business. Consequently, too high a budget can lead to a deficit in your earnings statement.

You are the best judge to decide how much you can afford to spend on your grand opening. And when it comes to buying feather flag pole wholesale, it generally fits into any budget because it’s affordably priced, and long-lasting investment.

feather beach flag Use targeted and not blanket marketing

There is nothing that can upset your advertising budget more than adopting a blanket approach. This is an advertising campaign that targets the general public. It’s better to target only specific groups that you feel are most likely to do business with you.

For example, if your business is meant for the younger generation, then you could also think of advertising on popular radio stations which the younger generation are most likely to listen to. However, playing the same ad on an radio station popular with oldies won’t help at all.

Similarly, if you have a hair salon or a cafe, and depend more on the residents for customers, feather flags are best to reach out to them. They will see it every day while passing by and are reminded of your business and establishment.

3 Reasons to use feather flags on your grand opening day

The most important reason to use feather flags is that they are an affordable means of advertising. It is perfect for those who have a budget to adapt to, and cannot afford to spend too much on expensive one-time TV commercials, newspapers and other promotional materials.

With feather flags, you don’t even have to rent any billboard space or take the stress of buying the right TV time slot. You have your banner to use whenever and wherever you want.


Distributing pamphlets, flyers and mailers are other popular forms of advertisement because they are cost-effective. However, in addition to it, it is also very wasteful because you use lots of paper printing all this material.

Besides, most of these flyers and mailers end up crumpled in a trash can or the ground. You also have the task, and expense of hiring someone to clean up the mess after your grand opening.

All this can be avoided by using eco-friendly feather flag pole wholesale for advertisement purposes. Not only are they usable, but there is also no question of any waste production.

Marketing for today

Most advertising methods promote something in the future while banners are most powerful in promoting your business today. For example, banners put up to advertise about your grand opening opens the door for prospective customers to walk in.

People who didn’t known about your grand opening or establishment, who just happened to be in the locality and saw your banner, get intrigued to step in and check out your business.

Versatile in nature

As feather flags with pole are temporary but durable and reusable fixtures, you can use them in many ways. For example, you can use them to let people know about your grand opening.

You can also put them on your building’s awning so that people can see it while walking inside. Or you can alternatively use them to attract people by attaching them to fences and walls close to the curb.

Once you are done advertising at your store, you can also carry the flags in their carry bags to any exhibition event or trade show you participate in. You can also use them to advertise your business at the local sports event, school stadiums, and so many other places.

This is because feather flag pole wholesale is meant for both indoor and outdoor use. They have different bases to use as required. You have a base with a spike for piercing into the ground outdoors and a circular base you can place on the floor of any indoor venue. You just have to place water or sandbag on the base, if you need added stability to ensure there is no chance of the banner toppling over.

Dos and don’ts while designing feather flags for your new venture

Now that you know why you should use feather flags to advertise about your new venture and grand opening, read on to find out what you should and shouldn’t do while designing them.

Do remember the bleed space

This is important because like in any printed banner, the outer edges of your design end up cropped. So you have to ensure your logo, font, and all the other design elements fit well into the printed space. If not you will end up with a feather flag where part of your design and message is missing.

Do not overcrowd

Similarly, you may get tempted to use as much of the space, and fit as many words and images into the feather flag space as possible. Don’t make this mistake because the feather flag will be effective only if its font is large enough for someone to see and read from a distance.

So it is better to keep the message short and sweet and avoid filling it up with too many graphics or images. It only clutters the space and makes it difficult for people to read the more important message.

Do design something memorable

You know your feather flag with pole is effective if its design is something memorable, which people properly relate with and can remember.

This means that you should use the right colors and color combination which people will relate with and easily remember. You could also look for interesting tag lines or words to use which have a special link to your unique brand or product.

Do not use wrong colors

While trying to make your feather flag attractive don’t get carried away and end up using the wrong colors and combination. It is worth doing some research and reading on marketing color psychology so that you know which colors will work best at relating whatever you want to convey through the flags.

For example, you should include blue in the banner if you want to establish some trust from the customer. Similarly, use impulsive colors like red and yellow on the flag if you are hoping for an impulse purchase.

It is generally better to try a few color schemes and combinations to find out which colors make your business stand out the best.

feater beach flag 1 3 Business signage tips to make enticing feather flags

Here are a few tips that help create appealing banners for your new establishment which will help create the right marketing buzz.

Intriguing sign shapes

This is one of the main reasons to use feather flag pole wholesale to market your business. It’s something differ ten from the regular rectangular signs that are usually used. Feather flags come in unique feather shape and stand out well and create a compelling backdrop to the content printed on it.

Use contrasting text

It is not only the colors that should be contrasting in feather flags. It is also better if the fonts and typefaces you choose and use in your banners either complement or are contrasting with each other.

This means you could perhaps mix a script with a serif font or use something modern like a modern sans-serif font with an old west style font. These small and minute changes go a long way. At projecting your sign to positively attract the attention of potential customers.

Interactive signs

Not many realize the effects of an interactive sign. It plays a huge role in making people want to take a closer look at it. You don’t have to do much to create an interactive feather flag. Simple things like the interactive displays you find in zoos and science museums can make your banner stand out from others.

It’s up to you to use your creativity and imagination to come up with something unique in your interactive sign. Just make sure that you use only high-quality feather flags from companies like

You know that these banners are more durable, and have minimal chances of getting torn or colors running while you use your imagination to create an interactive sign.

Now do you need any more reasons, or tips for the best ways to use feather flags to make your grand opening a great success?